To view all TEC Tariffs and charges, click the link below:

View Tariff /Rate Schedules Effective February 1, 2024 

Bills will be mailed to you monthly and calculated in the following manner:

Monthly Facility Service Charge - North Bend/Ames Lake
Monthly Facility Service Charge – Anderson Island
All Energy per kWh 

*Monthly Bills are subject to Project Development Adjustment  $4.00 (Effective Jan 1, 2022)

*Monthly Bills are subject to a Power Cost Adjustment

*Monthly Bills are subject to an Operating Revenue Adjustment 

*Monthly Bills are subject to a $2.00 King County ROW Litigation Fee

*City Tax - Some cities and towns levy a municipal tax. If your bill shows this tax,

the money goes to your community.

Small Commercial is available to all non-residential members using less than 30kW, delivered at one or more points.
Monthly Customer Service Charge
Single Phase
Three Phase
Energy per kWh (First 20,000 kWh)
Energy per kWh (After 20,000 kWh)
Demand per kW* (First 30 kW)
No Charge
Demand per kW* (After 30 kW)
*Subject to Power Factor Adjustment   

*Monthly Bills are subject to a Project Development Adjustment of $4.00 

*Monthly Bills are subject to a Power Cost Adjustment

*Monthly Bills are subject to Operating Revenue Adjustment 

*Monthly Bills are subject to a $2.00 King County ROW Litigation Fee (Unincorporated KC only)

Medium Commercial is available to all non-residential members using more than 30kW at one or more points.
Monthly Customer Service Charge
Single Phase
Three Phase, 60 cycles,at available secondary voltage
Energy per kWh (First 20,000 kWh)
Energy per kWh (After 20,000 kWh)
Demand per kW* (First 30 kW)
No Charge
Demand per kW* (After 30 kW)
*Subject to Power Factor Adjustment   

*Monthly Bills are subject to a Project Development Adjustment  of $4.00 

*Monthly Bills are subject to a Power Cost Adjustment

*Monthly Bills are subject to Operating Revenue Adjustment 

*Monthly Bills are subject to a $2.00 King County ROW Litigation Fee (Unincorporated KC only)

Large Commercial is available to all non-residential members using more than 500kW at one or more points.
Monthly Customer Service Charge
Three  Phase per meter per month
Three Phase, 60 cycles,at available secondary voltage  
Energy per kWh (First 20,000 kWh)
Energy per kWh (After 20,000 kWh)
Demand per kW* (First 40 kW)
No Charge
Demand per kW* (After 40 kW)
*Subject to Power Factor Adjustment   

*Monthly Bills are subject to a Project Development Adjustment  of $4.00 

*Monthly Bills are subject to a Power Cost Adjustment

*Monthly Bills are subject to Operating Revenue Adjustment 

*Monthly Bills are subject to a $2.00 King County ROW Litigation Fee (Unincorporated KC only)

Security Lighting  
40W LED per Month
70W LED per Month
Utility Taxes  
State Utility Tax on Energy Sales
City of North Bend Tax on Energy Sales


Service Fees and Charges   
Account Charge for Transfer of Services
Estimate Fee Residential or Commercial $300.00
Temporary Meter Fee
Service Call for Disconnect
(8:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. weekdays)
Service Call for Reconnect
(8:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. weekdays)
After Hours Re-Connect
New Meter Connect $510.00
Return Check Fee
Late Fee   $10.00 or 5%, whichever is greater
$10.00 +
*A deposit may be required on new service accounts  
*Monthly Bills are subject to a Project Development Adjustment  $4.00
*Monthly Bills are subject to a Power Cost Adjustment (PCA)  
*Monthly Bills are subject to an Operating Revenue Adjustment (ORA)  
*Monthy Bills are subject to a King County Litigation Fee  $2.00
Calculating the Bill (example only)  
Current Meter Reading
Previous Meter Reading
kWh Usage
Charge per kWh
x $0.1030
Total Energy Charge
Monthly Customer Service Charge (North Bend/Ames Lake)
+ $39.83
Total Electric Charge
40W LED Light
+ $9.00
Project Development Fee and KC Litigation Fee +6.00
Total Utility Bill Amount
If you live within the City of North Bend, you must also multiply the Total Utility Charges by the City of North Bend Tax of 6% to arrive at your Total Utility Bill