To view all TEC Tariffs and charges, click the link below:
View Tariff /Rate Schedules Effective February 1, 2024
Bills will be mailed to you monthly and calculated in the following manner:
Residential | |
Monthly Facility Service Charge - North Bend/Ames Lake |
Monthly Facility Service Charge – Anderson Island |
All Energy per kWh |
*Monthly Bills are subject to Project Development Adjustment $4.00 (Effective Jan 1, 2022) *Monthly Bills are subject to a Power Cost Adjustment *Monthly Bills are subject to an Operating Revenue Adjustment *Monthly Bills are subject to a $2.00 King County ROW Litigation Fee *City Tax - Some cities and towns levy a municipal tax. If your bill shows this tax, the money goes to your community. |
Small Commercial is available to all non-residential members using less than 30kW, delivered at one or more points. | |
Monthly Customer Service Charge |
Single Phase |
Three Phase |
Energy per kWh (First 20,000 kWh) |
Energy per kWh (After 20,000 kWh) |
Demand per kW* (First 30 kW) |
No Charge
Demand per kW* (After 30 kW) |
*Subject to Power Factor Adjustment | |
*Monthly Bills are subject to a Project Development Adjustment of $4.00 *Monthly Bills are subject to a Power Cost Adjustment *Monthly Bills are subject to Operating Revenue Adjustment *Monthly Bills are subject to a $2.00 King County ROW Litigation Fee (Unincorporated KC only) |
Medium Commercial is available to all non-residential members using more than 30kW at one or more points. | |
Monthly Customer Service Charge |
Single Phase |
Three Phase, 60 cycles,at available secondary voltage |
Energy per kWh (First 20,000 kWh) |
Energy per kWh (After 20,000 kWh) |
Demand per kW* (First 30 kW) |
No Charge
Demand per kW* (After 30 kW) |
*Subject to Power Factor Adjustment | |
*Monthly Bills are subject to a Project Development Adjustment of $4.00 *Monthly Bills are subject to a Power Cost Adjustment *Monthly Bills are subject to Operating Revenue Adjustment *Monthly Bills are subject to a $2.00 King County ROW Litigation Fee (Unincorporated KC only) |
Large Commercial is available to all non-residential members using more than 500kW at one or more points. | |
Monthly Customer Service Charge |
Three Phase per meter per month |
Three Phase, 60 cycles,at available secondary voltage | |
Energy per kWh (First 20,000 kWh) |
Energy per kWh (After 20,000 kWh) |
Demand per kW* (First 40 kW) |
No Charge
Demand per kW* (After 40 kW) |
*Subject to Power Factor Adjustment | |
*Monthly Bills are subject to a Project Development Adjustment of $4.00 *Monthly Bills are subject to a Power Cost Adjustment *Monthly Bills are subject to Operating Revenue Adjustment *Monthly Bills are subject to a $2.00 King County ROW Litigation Fee (Unincorporated KC only) |
Security Lighting | ||
40W LED per Month |
70W LED per Month |
Utility Taxes | ||
State Utility Tax on Energy Sales |
City of North Bend Tax on Energy Sales |
Service Fees and Charges | ||
Account Charge for Transfer of Services |
Estimate Fee Residential or Commercial | $300.00 | |
Temporary Meter Fee |
Service Call for Disconnect (8:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. weekdays) |
$150.00 | |
Service Call for Reconnect (8:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. weekdays) |
After Hours Re-Connect |
New Meter Connect | $510.00 | |
Return Check Fee |
Late Fee $10.00 or 5%, whichever is greater |
$10.00 +
*A deposit may be required on new service accounts | ||
*Monthly Bills are subject to a Project Development Adjustment | $4.00 | |
*Monthly Bills are subject to a Power Cost Adjustment (PCA) | ||
*Monthly Bills are subject to an Operating Revenue Adjustment (ORA) | ||
*Monthy Bills are subject to a King County Litigation Fee | $2.00 |
Calculating the Bill (example only) | ||
Current Meter Reading |
Previous Meter Reading |
kWh Usage |
Charge per kWh |
x $0.1030
Total Energy Charge |
Monthly Customer Service Charge (North Bend/Ames Lake) |
+ $39.83
Total Electric Charge |
40W LED Light |
+ $9.00
Project Development Fee and KC Litigation Fee | +6.00 | |
Total Utility Bill Amount |
If you live within the City of North Bend, you must also multiply the Total Utility Charges by the City of North Bend Tax of 6% to arrive at your Total Utility Bill |