
Did you know that Tanner Electric Cooperative (TEC) offers an innovative community service program to help Tanner members in need?

Operation Round Up® is just what the name implies; each month, we simply "round up" the amount of your electric bill to the next highest dollar. For example, a consumer's monthly bill of $52.73 would be automatically rounded up to $53, allowing the extra 27 cents to be donated to the Operation Round Up® fund. Participation is voluntary. Donations are tax deductible. Each year a summary of that year's contributions is sent to each participating member.

All Operation Round Up® donations are placed in a trust administered by the Salvation Army. The funds are available to help individuals and families in the TEC service area.

If you are interested in participating, please fill out this form, call the office at (425) 888-0623, or send an email to